In case you’ve stumbled upon my website and thought to yourself, P*$$Y what? Allow me to share more! In 2021, I started sharing my awakening journey and specifically – how I’m RECLAIMING words that have been used to harm, words that have been weaponised. Words like P*$$y.

You see, societal & patriarchal conditioning has taught me, a recovering good girl, that:

  • P*ssy is offensive
  • P*ssy is an insult
  • P*ssy is shameful
  • P*ssy is smelly
  • P*ssy is… (fill in the blanks)

There is so much SHAME around this word. Dark mysterious P*ssy. As girls we get taught to call it by another name – fanny, punani, private parts, sometimes vagina, anything other than P*ssy. I’m not allowed to spell it properly here because even social media is against using the word P*ssy. And hey, I know I can call it yoni, but somehow P*ssy wants me to say P*ssy.

At the beginning of this journey my inner critic was certain that the moment I talk about P*$$¥ on social media, some followers would unfollow me, or worse, block me. While I may have been unfollowed or possibly blocked; ⁣I have also been held, and witnessed, and celebrated, and loved. There has been so much love. Initially, it was so difficult for me – a lover of words – to type those posts. Now I can even say P*$$¥ in a conversation with my mum!! Yes beautiful womxn, today I am an audacious AF, middle-aged, plus-sized WOC, who calls myself The P*$$¥ Catalyst & posts photos of myself in my underwear on these internet streets!

I will write an expanded version of this post soon, but in the meantime you can read more about my P*$$Y awakening here, here and here.