I’m OBSESSED with HELPING womxn RECLAIM midlife, and making it REVOLUTIONARY!

When I decided to focus my coaching business on supporting womxn in midlife, I was super excited!! To me it felt like coming home. What I didn’t expect is that not everyone is ready to celebrate getting older.  Someone even suggested that I refrain from using the word midlife in my content because of its negative association. Whaaaaat!? Ageing is a privilege! And as womxn, we have so much wisdom to share. We’re finally in our IDGAF era!! Why are we not embracing ALL of it? Midlife isn’t a crisis. It’s an INVITATION!!

It’s time we change the narrative. Words like midlife only have power if we give them power. Let’s dismantle this archaic belief that midlife is something negative. So if you’re between the ages of 39 and 65, welcome to midlife! Let’s stop allowing society to box womxn in midlife as OLD! If you’re with me, and I really hope you are, you’ve come to the right place coz I’m obsessed with making midlife REVOLUTIONARY. And if the word midlife brings up some stuff for you, I invite you to become curious, and explore what it’s all about.

free affirmation audio

Today, ⁣take a moment, ⁣take a breath, ⁣take a look at yourself in the mirror, ⁣and listen to these beautiful affirmations as part of your morning ritual or any time of day.

client brags


AKA The P*$$Y Catalyst. Welcome to my world! My mission is to support and hold space for womxn in midlife as they embark on a journey of self-discovery and self-acceptance by connecting to the wisdom of their bodies (what I refer to as P*$$Y intuition).

Even though I’m Leo sun, I’m also a bit of an introvert… Shocker, I know! Baths are my go-to indulgence, ranking high on my pleasure list. I’m a Generator who’s fueled by chocolate and dancing. You see, I’m a firm believer in the rejuvenating power of daily dance breaks. Coz music and movement are medicine!

Now that we’ve “met”, are you willing to prioritise yourself and embark on a journey of self-discovery with me? If you’re even a little bit curious, click the button below to find out how I can support you.